Use this tool to search for an AAP member pediatrician, pediatric sub-specialist, or pediatric surgical specialist near you.
Use esta herramienta para buscar a un pediatra, una subespecialista en pediatría o un especialista en cirugía pediatría que sea miembro de la Academia Americana de Pediatría en su comunidad. is the only parenting health information website backed by 67,000 pediatricians committed to the attainment of optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults. es el unico sitio de web con información sobre la crianza de sus hijos. Haga clic aquí en este enlace para mas información en español.
Nevada 2-1-1 is a special telephone number that provides information and referrals to health, human and social service organizations. Dialing 2-1-1 will connect you to human and social services for your area. 2-1-1 services include places to find emergency food, housing and emergency shelter locations, children’s services, mental health and counseling services, and much more.
Nevada 2-1-1 es una linea telefónica especial que proporciona información y referencias a la salud, organizaciones de servicios sociales y humanos. Marcando al 2-1-1 lo conectara con un representante de servicios sociales y humanos. El 2-1-1 también incluye servicios para ayudar encontrar comida, ubicaciones de viviendas y refugios de emergencia, servicios para niños, salud mental, consejería y mucho mas. Haga clic en este enlace y cambie el idioma en el lado izquierdo.
Nevada Medicaid and the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services have an easy way for members to update their address.
This link brings you to the AAP immunization schedules for routine administration of currently licensed vaccines for children. The Nevada WebIZ Public Access Portal allows parents to print official immunization records that can be used as proof of immunization for school entry, summer camp, employment and much more. Notice an error in your child's WebIZ record? Contact
Este enlace te llevara a calendarios de vacunación recomendadas y autorizadas para los niños. El portal de inmunización (WebIZ) se puede encontrar en este enlace para solicitar registro de vacunas. Hay algún error en su registro de vacunas? Mande un correo electrónico a:
WIC provides nutritious foods, nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and referrals to health and other social services to participants at no charge.
WIC serves income eligible pregnant, postpartum and breastfeeding women, and infants and children up to age 5 who are at nutrition risk. Learn more at
WIC ayuda a las familias a ser fuertes, saludables y felices al brindarles beneficios que promueven la salud, servicios de apoyo y referencias sin cuesta. WIC atiende a mujeres embarazadas. posparto y lactantes que cumplen los requisitos de ingresos, incluyendo a bebes y niños menos de 5 años de edad que están en riesgo nutricional. Haga clic en este enlace y cambie el idioma en el lado izquierdo.
Free for all families throughout Nevada, Vegas PBS works with Nevada AAP pediatricians and other trusted partners to offer Bright by Text, a free service featuring activities, games, health information, and resources for adults who care for young children in Nevada (state wide). Click the link to learn how to sign up!
Gratis para tosas las familias en Nevada, Las Vegas PBS trabaja con pediatras de Nevada AAP y otros socios confiables para ofrecer Bright by Text, un servicio gratuito con actividades, juegos, información de salud y recursos para adultos que cuidan a niños pequeños en Nevada (en todo el estado). Haga clic en este enlace para aprender cómo registrarse.
Nevada PEP is a statewide organization serving families of children and youth with disabilities and behavioral health needs from birth to 26 and their service providers. We offer a variety of training workshops on special education, mental health care, and disability related topics.
It’s worth repeating: You’re not alone. (Really!)
We want to help you find your way around. We are a Down syndrome organization located in Southern Nevada that focuses solely on supporting families who have someone with Down syndrome, advocating for the Down syndrome community and educating ourselves and the public with the latest information available. We offer free and low cost programming, and have Spanish language offerings as well.
The Be SMART framework is designed to help parents and adults normalize conversations about gun safety and take responsible actions that can prevent child gun deaths and injuries.
The specific nutritional choices you and your children make are crucial. Good nutrition is essential to good health and the American Academy of Pediatrics encourages parents to think of their nutritional decisions as health decisions.
Did you know that what you drink is as important as what you eat and that most children and adults consume too much added sugar? Nevada parents should visit to learn the What, Why and How to rethink your, and your child's, drinking habits.
Looking for kid-friendly recipes? We like Chop Chop Family and Doctor Yum. Check them out!
The Nevada Health Link website was created by the state agency, the Silver State Health Insurance Exchange, to help you find an affordable health insurance plan for your family that fits your needs and your budget.
El sitio de Nevada Health Link fue creado por la agencia del estado, The Silver State Health Insurance, para ayudarle a encontrar un plan de seguro médico asequible para su familia que se adapta a sus necesidades y su presupuesto. Haga clic en este enlace y cambie el idioma en el lado derecho.
Families for Effective Autism Treatment, Inc. (FEAT) is a non-profit organization of parents and professionals, designed to help families with children who have received the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), including Autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), or Asperger’s Syndrome. We offer a support network where families can meet each other and discuss issues surrounding autism and treatment options. FEAT has a Board of Directors that meets monthly to discuss issues, establish priorities, and vote on the direction of the organization.
Familias para un tratamiento eficaz del autismo es un una organización sin fines de lucro de padres y profesionales, diseñada para ayudar a las familias con niños que han recibido el diagnóstico de trastorno del espectro autista, incluido el autismo, el trastorno general de desarrollo o el síndrome de Asperger. Ofrecemos una red de apoyo donde las familias pueden conocerse y discutir temas relacionados con el autismo y las opciones de tratamiento. FEAT tiene una Una Directiva que se reúne mensualmente para discutir temas, establecer prioridades y votar sobre la dirección de la organización.
Nevada Mobile Crisis Response Team (MCRT) supports families with youth under the age of 18 showing signs of behavioral or mental health issues that pose a threat to the child’s stability within their home, school or community.
SOUTHERN NEVADA 702.486.7865
NORTHERN NEVADA 775.688.1670
RURAL NEVADA 702.486.7865
Nevada Mobile Crisis Response Team (MCRT) apoya a familias con jóvenes menores de 18 años que demuestran señales de problemas de salud mental o de comportamiento que podrán representar amenaza para la estabilidad del niño dentro de su hogar, escuela o comunidad.
In the U.S. drowning takes an average of 3,500-4,000 lives per year. That is an average of 10 fatal drownings per day.
In addition to fatal drownings, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that in 2016 an additional 9,000+ victims were seen at U.S. Emergency Departments for a non-fatal submersion injury.
To empower young Nevadans by providing comprehensive health and wellness resources, paving the road toward healthy lifestyles. Each new stage of life comes with an overwhelming amount of questions while providing very few answers. This site has been created as an age-specific resource providing education that can be applied to every-day situations encountered throughout life’s continuous changes and challenges.
Empoderar a los jóvenes nevadenses brindando recursos integrales de salud y bienestar, allanando el camino hacia estilos de vida saludables. Cada nueva etapa de la vida viene con una abrumadora cantidad de preguntas y proporciona muy pocas respuestas. Este sitio ha sido creado como un recurso específico para la edad que brinda educación que se puede aplicar a las situaciones cotidianas que se encuentran a lo largo de los continuos cambios y desafíos de la vida.
Located within the Nevada Center for Excellence in Disabilities, the Family Navigation Network is a place to find health care support and community resources for children and youth with special health care needs, their families and the professionals who serve them.
It is unlawful for any person to sell, distribute, or offer to sell cigarettes, cigarette paper, any product containing, made or derived from tobacco, vapor products, or any product containing, made, or derived from nicotine to any person under 21 years of age in Nevada.
If you have information related to a business selling tobacco or vapor products to underage consumers, please email the address below with as much information as possible-
Need help quitting smoking? Quitting tobacco is a process. Whether you are thinking about quitting, are not yet ready to quit, or have already quit, Nevada Tobacco Quitline can help you with each step of the way.
The Nevada Teen Peer Support Text Line is a stigma-free, non-crisis peer support text service for adolescents and young adults aged 14 to 24 years old. Youth can text in at 775.296.8336 from 12 to 10 pm 7 days a week and 365 days per year to be connected for a one-on-one text conversation with a young adult Peer Wellness Operator. The Nevada Teen Peer Support Text Line is confidential and staffed by trained young adult peers in recovery who provide support from lived experience to youth impacted by mental illness or life stressors.
Partners in Parenting offers many educational programs, workshops and resources primarily for parents with young children (0-5 years of age) to support healthy child development, school readiness skills and positive parent-child interaction.
The Office for Consumer Health Assistance (OCHA) assists health care consumers and injured workers understand their rights and responsibilities under their health insurance plans and/or workers' compensation insurance policies. OCHA informs and educates consumers who need a better understanding of employer group plans, managed care, individual health insurance policies, Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) self-insured plans, Nevada Workers' Compensation, Medicare or Medicaid and, when necessary, advocates on their behalf to resolve disputes. OCHA also provides resource information to the uninsured and under-insured for access to healthcare, prescription medication assistance programs. OCHA is located at 3320 W. Sahara Ave., Suite 100, Las Vegas, Nevada 89102; or may be reached by calling the Governor's Consumer Health Advocate at (702) 486-3587 or (888) 333-1597, or email at